• Paper Tube Packaging

    Eco-friendly paper tube packaging is transforming the cosmetics industry, offering sustainable, recyclable solutions for a variety of products, from lip balms to fragrances. This packaging reduces plastic use and supports environmental goals, appealing to eco-conscious consumers. Its lightweight design cuts shipping costs and carbon emissions, while the customizable, protective cylindrical shape helps brands stand out. Ideal for companies aiming to merge sustainability with style, paper tube packaging is a key trend in eco-conscious beauty packaging, making it a top choice for cosmetic brand owners related to sustainable cosmetic packaging solutions.

    Get Free QuoteFind all custom paper tube packaging here!

What is Paper Tube Packaging?

Paper tube packaging for cosmetics is an eco-friendly, sustainable packaging solution increasingly popular in the beauty industry. The cylindrical tubes made from paperboard, consist of three kraft layers with the central layer corrugated, which is a recyclable and biodegradable material. This type of packaging is used for a wide range of cosmetic products, including lip balms, creams, powders, foundations, makeup tools, fragrances, and more.

It’s lightweight, reducing shipping costs and environmental impact, and its unique cylindrical shape offers both distinction on shelves and protection for products. Additionally, its customizable design allows brands to stand out with personalized aesthetics. This move towards paper tube packaging reflects the beauty industry’s shift to more sustainable practices, benefiting both the planet and businesses.

Paper tube packaging

Paper Tube Types

Understanding the Structure of Paper Tube Packaging is Fundamental.

Paper tube types

There are primarily three types of tube structures, composed of either two or three parts. These parts include the outer base, inner neck, and top lid. The dimensions of each component can be adjusted to meet specific requirements. Additionally, each part can be covered in variously colored and printed papers, allowing for the creation of vibrant and uniquely designed cardboard tube packaging boxes.

Type #1

Three-Piece Paper Tube

Three-piece paper tube containers, comprising a base, a cylindrical body, and a cap, are a superior packaging choice for premium cosmetics. Favoured in the beauty industry, these containers are particularly used for items like lip balms and deodorants, thanks to their luxurious appearance and feel.

Beyond their aesthetic appeal, the structure of these containers also plays a crucial role in safeguarding the product and extending its shelf life. The design of each of the three parts – the lid, the inner tube, and the outer base – can be customized in height, making them highly adaptable to various packaging requirements.

This flexibility, coupled with the opportunity for distinct branding on each component, renders these tubes ideal for cosmetics that seek to stand out through both innovative design and a commitment to sustainability.

Paper tube packaging

Type #2

Two-Piece Telescopic Tube

Two-piece telescopic tubes, featuring an outer and an inner tube designed to slide seamlessly into one another, offer unparalleled flexibility with their adjustable lengths. This unique characteristic positions them as a versatile option for secondary cosmetic packaging, catering to a wide range of product dimensions within a singular design framework.

These tubes excel in packaging gift sets or cosmetic products available in diverse sizes, delivering a tailor-made and visually appealing packaging solution. Ideal for brands aiming to captivate their audience, these customizable telescopic tubes stand out in the market, making them a smart choice for companies looking to enhance their online visibility and appeal to eco-conscious consumers searching for innovative and adaptable cosmetic packaging solutions.

Paper tube packaging

Type #3

One-Piece End Closure Tubes

One-piece end closure tubes are characterized by a singular tube structure with an end closure that can be made of metal or plastic materials. While offering a simple and secure packaging solution, the use of non-biodegradable materials for closures has made this type less popular among cosmetic brands that prioritize environmental sustainability. These tubes are occasionally used for products where long-term durability and airtight sealing are paramount.

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Paper Tube Shapes - Versatility

The traditional choice often leans towards cylindrical or round cross-section paper tubes for their elegance and simplicity.

The versatility of paper tube design allows for an array of other shapes, including square, oval, hexagonal, and triangular options, achieved through the use of specifically designed winding mandrels. This is where our special-shaped boxes come from.

ribbon pull paper triangle lip gloss box

Opting for custom-shaped paper tubes can offer a tailored fit for specific cosmetic products, enhancing the packaging’s functionality and appeal. These unique shapes not only minimize wasted space within the packaging but also reduce the need for additional spacers or packing materials, aligning with sustainability goals. By embracing custom shapes, brands can create distinctive, eye-catching packaging that stands out in the competitive cosmetic market, providing a perfect blend of form, function, and environmental consciousness.

Edge Treatment for Paper Tube Packaging

Paper cylinder tubes come in two main types of opening edges: those with a round rolled edge and those with a smooth cut edge.


Many people opt for the round rolled edge because it conceals the cut, resulting in a tube that looks neater and cleaner. Furthermore, tubes with a rolled edge are less susceptible to damage or scraping when the cap is put on or removed. This contrasts with tubes that have a smooth cut edge, which are more prone to scraping.

However, tubes with a smooth cut edge offer a uniform diameter from the opening to the bottom, making them ideal for snugly storing bottles or products without leaving extra space inside. This ensures the contents remain stable and secure during shipping, reducing the risk of damage.

It’s important to note, however, that push-up paper tubes, which are popular for products like deodorants and lip balms, cannot use an edged tube design. This necessitates a smooth interior for the product to be pushed up effectively without obstruction.

When selecting the appropriate edge treatment for your custom cardboard tube packaging, consider your product’s specific needs. If aesthetics and durability against wear and tear are priorities, the round rolled edge is an excellent choice. For maximizing internal space and ensuring a tight fit, especially for products requiring push-up mechanisms, the smooth cut edge is advisable. This decision will significantly influence the functionality and presentation of your packaging.

CBB Services

CustomBeautyBox provides a range of eco-friendly paper tube packaging options for cosmetics, each with the support of our seasoned experts, rapid prototyping, and personalized design services. We are dedicated to ensuring your products look good and uphold environmental values.

Unparalleled Support

Our team is dedicated to providing you with unmatched support, ensuring your makeup packaging stands out in a competitive market.

Quality Assurance

We uphold rigorous quality standards to guarantee that your custom makeup packaging meets the highest benchmarks.

Quick Sampling

Visualize your packaging within a swift 3-day sample turnaround, followed by a 15-20 day lead time for mass production. Your packaging journey starts here!

Sustainability Consultation

Let us guide you towards eco-conscious choices for your packaging, making a positive impact on the environment.

Limitless Customization

Explore a wide array of customization options, tailor-made to align seamlessly with your brand’s identity.

How to customize paper tube packaging for your own brand?

Customizing paper tube packaging to reflect your brand’s unique identity is a seamless process with CustomBeautyBox. Here’s how you can personalize paper tube packaging to make your brand shine:

  • Step 1

    Define Your Branding Elements

    Start by identifying the key elements of your brand, such as your logo, color scheme, and any specific design motifs that represent your brand’s ethos.

  • Step 2

    Choose Your Tube Size and Shape

    Select from a variety of tube dimensions and shapes to fit your product perfectly. Whether you need a compact tube for lip balm or a larger cylinder for skincare products, we have sizes to accommodate.

    Step 2

  • Step 3

    Select Material and Finish

    Decide on the type of recycled paper material you want to use, and choose a finish that complements your brand, whether that’s a matte, glossy, or textured surface.

  • Step 4

    Design Your Graphics

    Work with our design team to create graphics that stand out. You can provide your own artwork or collaborate with our designers to craft a look that captures your brand’s message.

    Step 4

  • Step 5

    Consider Functional Additions

    Think about the user experience. Do you need an easy-to-open lid or a protective insert? We can incorporate various functional elements into your packaging design.

  • Step 6

    Choose Eco-Friendly Options

    Make your brand’s commitment to sustainability clear by opting for biodegradable or recyclable options, and communicate this choice through your packaging design.

    Step 6

  • Step 7

    Review and Approve a Prototype

    Before full production, you’ll receive a prototype of your custom paper tube packaging. This step ensures that the final product will meet your expectations in terms of design, quality, and functionality.

  • Step 8

    Place Your Order

    Once you’re satisfied with the prototype, place your order, and we’ll handle the rest, ensuring your custom packaging is crafted to perfection.

    Step 8

custom printed paper lip balm tubes
custom gold foiling foundation boxes
Paper Deodorant Tubes

Benefits & Importance of Custom Paper Tube Packaging

Custom paper tube packaging for cosmetics is not just a packaging choice; it’s a strategic decision that brings a multitude of benefits to brands and consumers alike, reinforcing the importance of this eco-friendly alternative in the beauty industry.

  • Eco-Friendliness: Made from recyclable and biodegradable materials, reducing environmental impact and appealing to eco-aware consumers.
  • Customization & Branding: Allows for unique designs that reflect brand identity and enhance customer experience.
  • Practicality & Protection: Provides robust protection for products while being lightweight and versatile for various cosmetic items.
  • Market Differentiation: Helps brands stand out in a crowded market by aligning with consumer values towards sustainability.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Supports more responsible consumption and production within the cosmetics industry.
  • Consumer Shift: Meets the growing demand for sustainable and ethically produced products.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Helps brands adapt to increasing regulations on plastic use and waste management.
  • Brand Loyalty & Growth: Builds long-term loyalty by aligning with the ethical and environmental values of consumers.
Paper tube packaging
Paper tube packaging

Why Custom Beauty Box?

When it comes to choosing a partner for your fragrance packaging, Custom Beauty Box stands out with a compelling mix of quality, creativity, and sustainability. We’re not just a packaging company; we’re innovators in eco-friendly solutions, dedicated to enhancing the unboxing experience with custom designs that reflect your brand’s unique character.

* Leaders in Sustainable Packaging

Choosing Custom Beauty Box for your paper tube packaging needs signifies a step towards environmental stewardship. As leaders in eco-friendly packaging solutions, we help your brand make a positive statement about its dedication to the planet, connecting with customers who value ecological sustainability.

* Tailored to Reflect Your Brand

At Custom Beauty Box, we view packaging as an extension of your brand’s essence. Our personalized services are designed to ensure your paper tube packaging perfectly mirrors your brand’s identity, establishing a strong and memorable market presence.

* Uncompromised Quality Assurance

Our rigorous quality control measures guarantee that your paper tube packaging not only looks exceptional but is also durable and protective. We’re committed to elevating the appearance and durability of your products, ensuring they stand out for all the right reasons.

* Efficient Production Timelines

We understand the dynamic nature of the beauty and personal care industry. Our streamlined production process is designed to deliver prototype packaging within just 3 days and complete bulk orders within 15-20 days, fitting seamlessly into your product launch timeline.

* Boundless Customization Possibilities

Let your creativity flow with Custom Beauty Box. From premium finishes to unique textures, we offer a wide range of customization options that allow you to create a truly one-of-a-kind paper tube packaging experience that captivates and delights your customers.

Cosmetic Packaging Collections by Cosmetic Category

Empowering Brands In Every Cosmetic Category With Unrivaled Custom Boxes

Ready to Build Your Paper Tube Packaging?

Trust us to be your partner in showcasing your cosmetics with innovation and style.

Connect with our packaging experts now for a free consultation and quote.

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